What do we focus on?

The key focus areas of the Capricorn Foundation are divided into primary focus areas and supplementary focus areas. ​


Our approach to being a responsible citizen is built into the DNA of all our businesses in Namibia and Botswana. It is supported by our aim to be open, transparent, and accountable in reporting on our CSR activities and programmes and their impact.

With the establishment of the Capricorn Foundation, we truly live up to our brand promise of being Connectors of Positive Change. We are eager to partner with like-minded organisations to address national concerns and to engage our stakeholders to identify community needs more actively.

What do we want to achieve through the Capricorn Foundation?

Each subsidiary company of Capricorn Group will continue to have a portfolio of signature CSR projects which they support within the identified key focus areas, and which will support the Group's CSR vision, definition, and philosophy.

We intend to provide central coordination and clearer direction to subsidiaries on key focus areas for CSI that will support our vision and philosophy:

  • To truly live up to our brand promise of being Connectors of Positive Change
  • Move away from charitable and ad-hoc CSI to create meaningful value for society
  • To manage the Foundation on the principles of Sustainability
  • Lesser but more impactful CSI projects
  • To align our CSR closer to our business model and competencies
  • To improve the measurement of and report on the impact of our projects
  • Partner with like-minded organisations to address national concerns
  • More actively engage our stakeholders to identify community needs.

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