backdrop of a starry night, capturing their mesmerising beauty and inspiring admiration. These unique trees use the soft fibre of their trunks to store water while sealing off their branches to save moisture loss during severe drought. Chosen with care, this symbolises the dedication of Capricorn Group to successfully navigate the challenging market landscape despite difficult economic conditions.
Capricorn Group and its subsidiaries are committed to principles of sound corporate governance, which are characterised by discipline, transparency, independence, accountability, fairness and social responsibility. This commitment fuels the group's drive to constantly mirror its reporting standards against the IR Framework, which is regarded as best practice in transparent communication with shareholders and other stakeholders. In this light, Capricorn Group can proudly announce its adherence to NamCode, Namibian Companies Act, 28 of 2004, NSX Listing Requirements, International Financial Reporting Standards, Namibia Banking Institutions Act, 2 of 1998, Botswana Banking Act, 2 of 1995 and the Zambia Banking and Financial Services Act, 7 of 2017. The Group is further guided in its reporting by Namibia's Harambe Prosperity Plan and the National Development Plan (NDP5) amongst others.
A highlight featured in the report is Capricorn Group's 5th year listing on the Namibian Stock Exchange, the most successful listing on the NSX to date. The listing in 2013 was marked by the issuing of Bank Windhoek Holdings (now Capricorn Group) ordinary shares, providing all stakeholders, including previously disadvantaged Namibians, employees, customers and members of the Namibian public, an opportunity to acquire BWH shares and participate in the ownership of the group. Five years later, the Group's books remain healthy considering the current economic environment. Having scooped the Regional Company Award at the Annual Integrated Reporting Awards of 2017, hosted by Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa in partnership with the JSE Limited, Capricorn Group will strive to present only the best. This substantial track record proves indeed that Capricorn Group lives up to its vision and purpose of being a connector of positive change.
“We remain committed to being connectors of positive change and creating opportunities for all our stakeholders to enjoy the benefits of the shared value we can generate." Thinus Prinsloo, Capricorn Group MD.
2018 Capricorn Group - Annual Integrated Report
2018 Capricorn Group - Performance Summary
2018 Capricorn Group Financial Statements